Write A Review and Win a Free Pro license

Now macSvn is honored to sponsor software for developers, webmasters, editors, bloggers, forum moderators, or someone popular at social networks to review. How to get started and win a free Pro license? It’s easy! Write a review, submit your review and win the free license. To get detailed requirements on wining a free macSvn Pro license, just keep reading the following parts carefully.

Read the Methods and Rules before You Get Started

Method 1: Write A Review on Website or Blog

To get a free license, you have to write a review about macSvn and post it on one of the following sites:

Win Free Pro Permanent License

  • You should write a review which is at least 500 words and publish it.

  • Your review should have at least one Do-follow link for macSvn homepage.

  • Your review should contain at least one screenshot for macSvn.

  • Share the review to one of your social network accounts with at least 5 reposts.

Win 1 year Free Pro License

  • You should write a review which is at least 300 words and publish it.

  • Your review should have at least one link for macSvn homepage.

  • Your review should contain at least one screenshot for macSvn.

Method 2: Create and Publish a Video Review for macSvn

If you are a video producer or YouTube blogger, you are welcome to get the free license by recording a tutorial video or product function review for macSvn. You can choose any site to upload the video, but YouTube is the most recommended.

Win Free Pro Permanent License

  • Show macSvn homepage in the video.

  • The content could be, but are not limited to, how-to guides or product feature reviews.

  • The video should be more than 90 seconds.

  • If your video has more than 1000 views, you will be able to win a free Pro license.

Win 1 year Free Pro License

  • Show macSvn homepage in the video.

  • The content could be, but are not limited to, how-to guides or product feature reviews.

  • The video should be more than 90 seconds.

Method 3: Write A Review and Share to social media account like Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Google Plus

Win 1 year Free Pro License

  • Fans or followers should be more than 20.

  • The product review should be more than 200 words.

  • The review has more than 80 likes/shares.

  • The review should have at least one link for macSvn homepage.


  • Your review should be lived for at least one month.

  • The review should be written or recorded by yourself (It's unacceptable to copy in any form from macSvn website or other sites).

  • The review must contain at least one link to macSvn homepage or link to download.

  • The license code is valid for the individual only. Any distribution of the license will result in termination of service.

  • Your website / blog must be indexed by Google.

  • We will not provide the license code if we find your blog is a spam blog. Please understand that, thank you.

  • When you publish your review, contact us via email   and send us your name and review link. Once your review is confirmed valid, the free license code will be sent to you via email within 48 hours.


